Why You Should Get Your Child A Preloved Phone - Instead of A Brand New One

The COVID-19 pandemic and the ‘circuit breaker’ nationwide shutdown in Singapore have heralded an unprecedented shift towards online learning for your child or children.

Previously, you might have already gotten your child a smartphone to deal with the shift towards digital communications in schools.

If your child’s existing phone needs an upgrade, you might be thinking of getting a new one.

Yet the gloomy economic circumstances have landed Singapore and the world into an unwanted and possibly protracted economic recession.

You might have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 induced economic slump, and you might have found your budget tightening.

We feel your situation.

However, you do not have to get your child a brand new phone at an exorbitant price.

Rather, you can choose to get your child a preloved phone to save significantly as well as to enjoy the good quality of these preloved and oftentimes, refurbished phones.

Here are the reasons why you should opt for preloved phones over brand new ones when upgrading your child’s existing phone.


Preloved Phones Are Significantly Cheaper

We get your pain.

The costs of getting the latest iPhone 11 are up to the sky-high price of $1389, whereas your child might not be much of a photography geek to begin with. Even the latest Samsung galaxy model might scare you away with its expensive price.

That being said, your child can still enjoy quality phones with useful features - at a discounted price, when you get preloved phones instead of brand new ones.

For example, if you decide to opt for an older iPhone model, say, the iPhone X, Reebelo offers the preloved model at a much cheaper price (at only $659 ).

Avoid Complicated Payment Plans

If you are deciding between getting a new phone from your mobile phone carrier or an unlocked phone without any phone plans, decide what your goals of getting a phone are.

If you are avoiding complicated payment plans and contract extensions, buying a new phone from your carrier can incur high costs.

Instead, how about getting a preloved phone from an established and credible second-hand phone marketplace like Reebelo

We at Reebelo ensure all refurbished devices on our marketplace go through comprehensive checks, inspections, repairs and cleaning before we sell them.

That means, if you get your phone from us at Reebelo, you will be getting excellent quality smartphones with no complicated and protracted payment contracts to weigh your finances down.

While you might argue that the subsidized price of the phone can be paid by ‘monthly installments’, that is, when you spread out the costs over the entire phone contract duration, you will likely pay more (in total) for your phone than you would if you buy an unlocked phone at a discounted price from us at Reebelo. 

No Contract Limitations

Besides the heavily discounted prices of preloved phones, the latter phones give you more freedom (as compared to phones tied with specific phone carriers) to choose another phone carrier as time goes on and your needs shift.

For example, you might be uncertain if you would like to remain with your existing mobile phone carrier.

Alternatively, even if you are registering for a new service with a new carrier, an unlocked phone will enable you to have more freedom in terms of flexibility to switch carriers in the future.

The best part about not being tied down to one specific carrier is that you can enjoy the freedom of choosing the most competitive calling and mobile data rates for your child’s needs. In circumstances when your budget is tight, you might be looking at the most affordably priced and value-for-money carrier package - and having an unlocked and pre-loved phone will give you the freedom to choose the best price plan for your child.

Teach Your Child About Technology Waste With A Pre-Loved Phone

While your child might be initially pestering you to get the most expensive and latest phone model, you as the parent with the purse strings will ultimately have to decide what is best for your child as well as for your budget.

Furthermore, by not getting your child a brand new phone to replace his or her existing one, you can teach your child about reducing the amount of technology waste on the planet. This is because every single existing phone that eventually gets discarded into landfills will emit toxins that seep into the ground or rise into the air to pollute the environment. Rather, if you were to buy a pre-loved or refurbished phone at Reebelo, we will plant a tree in Vietnam or Indonesia for every phone bought. By opting for a preloved phone, you and your child would be indirectly reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

Preloved Phones Are Suitable For Careless Or Absent-Minded Children

If you have a child who tends to be absent-minded with his or her devices, getting a preloved phone might enable him or her to enjoy the features of the phone, such as high quality voice calls, without giving you additional worries that he or she might lose the phone or spoil it - and hence waste thousands of your hard-earned money.A pre-owned phone can be bought or re-bought (should your child again misplace it) without bursting your wallet seams.

 Preloved Phones Can Teach Your Child Important Life Values

Preloved phones will always be cheaper compared to their new counterparts. This makes used phones a suitable option when you are looking to spend less on your child’s phone, as well as when you hope to impart some life values to your child in the process.

A pre-loved phone might not have all the latest high-definition technology on it, but take this opportunity to teach your child to assess his or her needs versus wants.

You as a dedicated parent can ask yourself (and your child) questions like:

Does he/she really need to have the latest iPhone 11 Pro Max with all the sophisticated camera lens features if he/she is not an avid photographer?

Does he/she really have to spend tons of money on the latest 5G phones with high-speed Internet connectivity to stream videos at home? Would your child be more exposed to the dangers of pornography and cyber violence as a result of these high-tech gadgets?

Does he/she really have to have the latest brand new phone model to impress his/her classmates?

What is the motivation of getting the latest phone model then?

These important questions above would be useful for you as a parent to help your child re-calibrate his or her needs and safety boundaries with regard to phones - and convince him or her that a pre-loved phone can still offer them important life lessons and an enjoyable phone experience.

It is also advisable that you monitor their phone usage as you do not want to be one of those unsuspecting parents with children addicted to Internet pornography or with children being victims of Internet bullying.

A Preloved Phone From Reebelo Would Be An Excellent Gift For Your Child

Rather than over-spend on a brand new smartphone, get a pre-loved model with us at Reebelo.

You will enjoy significant cost savings, as well as a FREE delivery of your desired phone right to your doorstep!

What is better, consider trading your child’s existing phone in at the time of your new purchase to enjoy DOUBLE SAVINGS !

Having a preloved phone will enable you to impart life lessons to your child and hopefully be a catalyst for you to spend more time with your child.

Simply fill up the form here for a seamless experience with us!


By Angeline Tan

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