Factors To Consider Before Getting Your Used or Refurbished Smartphone

The smartphones that we see dotting the current marketplace are state-of-the-art and contain various user-friendly features. Yet, the latest smartphones are not that different from their counterparts in the recent one or two years. Therefore, instead of shopping around for a brand new smartphone that is not that groundbreaking anyway, perhaps it is high time to consider getting a used or refurbished one for your next phone upgrade. 

One of the best benefits of getting a used or refurbished phone instead of a brand new one is that you as the customer can save tons of money. However, there are scary stories of people purchasing stolen phones unknowingly (only to get into trouble with the law later on) and people getting severely damaged phones and having to pay much more in the long-term to repair or replace them. Yet getting a used or refurbished smartphone does not necessarily have to be a traumatic experience, if you do your due diligence and have a backup plan in store in the unlikely case of an unpleasant incident. Also, “used” does not mean “not good” simply because the phone in question belonged to someone else previously.

Ask yourself the following questions below to reduce the possibility of a negative incident smearing your purchase experience. 


#1: “What type of phone best suits my budget?  ” 

If you are an iPhone or Android fan and you get the kick out of obtaining the latest iPhones or Android devices, you might be more willing to spend four-digit numbers to get your desired smartphone. Nowadays, iPhones and the latest Samsung Android phones cost thousands, and are beyond the reach of many budget-savvy people (including myself). If you identify with those of us in the budget-conscious tribe, you might choose mid-range and older smartphones that nevertheless contain all the necessary features to suit your needs.


For instance, if you are an iPhone fan and are not that particular about the image quality or shutter speed of your smartphone camera, you might be content with older iPhone models like the iPhone 7 model that costs as low as  $279 at Reebelo or the iPhone 6 series that can cost as low as  $149 at Reebelo. Otherwise, if you are an Android fan, consider cheaper Samsung phone options like the Samsung Galaxy A Series or the Samsung Galaxy S9 model that can cost as low as $319


#2: “Is the seller from whom I am going to buy my phone a reliable one?”

Now that you might have already determined the most suitable type of phone that addresses your needs and falls within your budget, the next important question to keep in mind would be whether the seller from whom you are going to purchase your phone is a reputable one or otherwise. You might have to put in a tad more effort doing the necessary background checks and due diligence to ensure that the individual or retail seller you are getting your device from is a legit one, but hey, the effort is worth it. Being prudent will help you better avoid the hassle of paying upfront for your desired phone only to have a dubious seller walk away with your money without showing up with the promised phone! 


We at Reebelo have established our credibility and reputation in the market as a trustworthy marketplace of second hand and refurbished electronic devices. Our devices are of high quality to maximise your money when you spend it with us. Furthermore, Reebelo only works with trusted refurbishing partners for our refurbished goods and never compromises on quality! Rest assured when you get your phone from us at Reebelo, your phone would not be a stolen one as Reebelo works with the Singapore Police Force to ensure that no device transacted on our platform is a stolen one. 


#3: “What was the original price of the phone compared to its current resale price?” 

While there is no hard and fast rule to determine the prices of used and refurbished products, typically they should cost at least 20% less than their brand new counterparts. Therefore, bear this fact in mind when you shop for your ideal used or refurbished device, especially when you shop for it online. Always check the prices quoted online for refurbished or used phones with the prices of their identical brand new counterparts to safeguard your wallet. 


That being said, you must be realistic on your price wishes as prices of used and refurbished products should not be too low. This is because there are costs that are factored into refurbishing phones when the phones are thoroughly cleaned, repaired and inspected (with 40+ quality checks). If the price of a particular phone is way too low but you do not seem to know the reason why, the best bet for you would be to rethink your decision on purchasing that phone. Sometimes, rock-bottom prices might be too good to be true. 


#4: “Does the phone have a warranty policy from the seller or manufacturer?” 

Get maximum longevity when you buy a used or refurbished phone by checking if your desired phone contains an accompanying warranty policy from either the seller or the manufacturer. If your phone has been refurbished by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), it would come with certain warranties that would protect your interests as a customer, such as enabling you to send your phone back to the OEM for repairs within a specific time period after purchase should your phone exhibit any previously unknown defects. At Reebelo, all our phones come with at least a 1-month warranty in order for you to maximise the quality of your phone to derive the most benefits out of your purchase! 


Enjoy Maximum Savings And Get Your Quality Phone At Reebelo!

Compared to buying a brand new phone with an expensive price tag, getting a second hand or refurbished device is an excellent way to be more vigilant about your purchasing power and save your wallet from bursting. Yet, not all refurbished products would be worth the money (however little the money is) you would spend as some of them are not to be trusted. Fortunately, if you are in Singapore, you do not have to look further than Reebelo, Singapore’s trusted and established second-hand electronics marketplace. Get your desired phone and other electronic device from Reebelo and enjoy significant savings. What is better, trade your existing device in during the same time you make a purchase to have further savings. Simply fill up the form here to get started!

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